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Know where you are at, right now!

If you’d like to better know yourself, find your truth, make your own choices and live a joyous life then I invite you to join me for a 30 minute Clarity Session

In your free Clarity Session I will take you through a process that will help you to identify the emotional block and patterns that have been keeping you separate from yourself, causing confusion and frustration.

You will discover a clear plan to help you unwind the emotional blocks and patterning that have been holding you back and weighing you down like an anchor around your neck. 

I can show you how to move forward in your life, connected to your authentic self with your talents and unique gifts. You will be empowered to enjoy life fully and explore new horizons.

“May you have the wisdom to journey inwards to your heart and the courage to follow it”

Ange Hawdon

Painted Heart
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